Shipping Pets overseas? We Are Worldwide Pet Shippers

Airsupply Pet Travel are professional pet shippers (pet travel agents) located near Heathrow Airport, London. We have been in the pet shipping business for over 30 years and over that time have shipped just about every type of pet to countries all over the globe. As one of the leading pet shippers in the UK we are devoted to the safety and welfare of all animals whilst in our care and do our utmost to reduce the stress of pets whilst they are travelling.

We cater for the shipment of virtually all pets including any species of animal, be that rodents, reptiles, amphibians or even insects (but mostly a dog or cat), with a service second to none.

If you are moving abroad, or emigrating and would like a quotation for pet shipping then please take a moment to get in touch (click on the ‘Contact Us’ button above). Our rates are highly competitive and we can provide you with a comprehensive range of services that include door to door pet shipping.


As with all logistical activities sometimes things don't run to plan...

This can be for a whole host of reasons, perhaps you or your pet has a problem and travel needs to be postponed, or schedules altered. Perhaps there's industrial action or weather issues and flights get delayed but in all circumstances you need to know that your pet is safe and that there's someone you can call to immediately provide information and advice.

It is for this reason that when you use our services you will be working with a nominated member of our staff who will be totally familiar with your pet's travel arrangements and as such can provide any updates, or help with changes to your plans.


We very much provide a personal service

We will do our utmost to ensure customer satisfaction because not only do we want you to be happy (and your pet), but clearly we would like you to recommend us to others and of course use our services again at some future stage.

On this web site you will find a wealth of information about veterinary procedures and other documentation required by many countries. However, whilst we make every effort to maintain this site information as up to date as we can, please do contact us for the very latest information.

We look forward to hearing from you!