Please don’t hesitate to contact us regarding your needs for pet travel to the European Union (EU). Below you will find information regarding the requirements for pet shipping European Union.


dog holding an eu flag in mouth

As a result of Brexit, the UK became classified as a (Part 2) listed third country by the European Union as of 1st January, 2021. Generally, the rules of entry regarding pets travelling from England, Wales or Scotland (GB) to EU territory are the same, however, pets travelling to Northern Ireland are also currently treated as entering the EU. These rules apply if you are travelling with your pet to an EU destination, or within 5 days of your pet's arrival at the destination.

The following is required:


Pet Passports issued by a vet in GB are no longer valid in EU member States. Instead, your pet has to be implanted with an electronic microchip (if not already done) and must travel with an AHC (Animal Health Certificate), see below.


Rabies Vaccination - This must be given at least 21 days prior to export.  This can be shown in a vaccine card or on a rabies vaccination certificate obtained from your vet. If the rabies vaccination is due to expire whilst you are away then it is recommended that a booster be given to your pet at least 21 days prior to leaving GB.


Completion of an AHC (Animal Health Certificate for entry into the EU) by your Vet within 10 days prior to departure, this AHC must be in both English AND the language of the member state your pet is entering. If you are not travelling with your pet to the same EU destination, or not travelling within 5 days of your pet's arrival, then an alternative health certificate is required (Commercial Health Certificate). Ask our friendly staff for advice on this. The AHC allows you to travel within the EU for up to 4 months (from the of date of issue) and return to GB.


Some EU Member States that are tapeworm free such as Norway, Finland, Malta, Ireland require that dogs must have treatment for tapeworm within 5 days prior to arrival (please note: this also currently applies to Northern Ireland).


Additionally further information can be found at: Visit the Government website here for more info

Returning from the EU to England, Scotland or Wales? You will be able to return with your pet within 4 months of leaving the UK or with an EU issued Pet Passport. In addition, your dog will need to be treated for tapeworm between 1-5 days prior to travel.